Dear Customers,
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company announces the following freight rates as from 6 February 2023 until further notice but not beyond 28 February 2023.
All prices are in US Dollars unless otherwise specified.
Port of loading | Port of discharge | Commodity | Rate 20 DV | Rate 40 DV & HC |
NHAVA SHEVA | ANTWERP | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1250 | 1300 |
ENNORE | ANTWERP | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1300 | 1350 |
KOLKATA | ANTWERP | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1350 | 1600 |
PORT QASIM | ANTWERP | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1250 | 1300 |
Port of loading | Port of discharge | Commodity | Rate 20 DV | Rate 40 DV & HC |
NHAVA SHEVA | VALENCIA | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1250 | 1300 |
ENNORE | VALENCIA | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1300 | 1350 |
KOLKATA | VALENCIA | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1350 | 1600 |
PORT QASIM VALENCIA | Freight All Kinds (FAK) | 1250 | 1300 |
• The above rates are inclusive of the base rate (i.e. ocean freight rate), Piracy Risk Surcharge (PRS) and Emission Control Areas (ECA).
• The above Rates are subject to:
o BRC (Bunker Recovery Charge): USD 211/TEU DRY
o SCS (Suez Canal Surcharge): USD 100/TEU
o OTHC (Origin Terminal Handling Charges):
- Nhava Sheva: INR 8200 / 20DV – INR 13100 / 40DV-HC
- Ennore: INR 6100 / 20DV – INR 8450 / 40DV-HC
- Kolkata: INR 10700 / 20DV – INR 14900 / 40DV-HC
- Port Qasim: USD 135 / 20DV – USD 175 / 40’DV-HC
o DTHC (Destination Terminal Handling Charge):
- Antwerp EUR 205 / CONTAINER DRY
- Valencia EUR 235 / CONTAINER DRY
o CSF (Carrier Security Fee):
- From Pakistan USD 11 / Container
- From India USD 13 / Container
o ISPS (Ship and Port Security Charge): Antwerp EUR 15 / Container
o PSR (Port Secure Release Fee): Antwerp EUR 6 / Container
• FAK excludes all IMO Category commodities and high value commodities.
• Local and contingency charges may also apply, for further information please contact your MSC local agent.
• Tariffs for other port pairs, commodities and container types for this trade, that are not listed above may also be subject to increases. Please contact your MSC local agent for queries related to commodities not included in FAK rates, port pairs, specific equipment or other pricing information not included in this Price Announcement.
• MSC Agencies’ standard terms and conditions apply including MSC’s standard Bill of Lading. Unless otherwise specified on MSC agencies’ standard terms and conditions, MSC shall allow 3 days’ free time to collect and return the container.
Thank you for your support,
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company