MSC Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our MSC Terms & Conditions.
This section will help you access our various terms and conditions documents.

MSC Bill of Lading and MSC Sea Waybill Terms and Conditions:

For the enhanced security of commercial transactions and the prevention of fraud, the MSC Bill of Lading and MSC Sea Waybill are printed on specially commissioned paper, which is characterised by watermarks and other security features.

Our Bill of Lading Terms and Conditions and Sea Waybill Terms and Conditions are available on this website in a larger format, for ease of reading.

For your convenience, we also provide the translation of the MSC Bill of Lading in Spanish, Russian and Chinese, as advertised on the right by "Chinese BL terms", “Spanish BL terms" and "Russian BL terms" (note that only the English version is binding, and it shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy between the various languages).

MSC Agency Terms and Conditions:

Please consult the Terms and Conditions below, according to your required location (countries of booking, origin, transit and destination). Should you have further questions concerning the documentation, we invite you to contact the legal (claims) department of your local agency, where our experienced staff will be only too happy to help you.

Currently some of our online features are experiencing a technical issue. We are working to restore functionality as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience. In the meantime, should you have any immediate enquiries we kindly request that you contact your local MSC representatives.