
ربط إسرائيل بالعالم

تساعد MSC العملاء في شحن البضائع من وإلى إسرائيل منذ عام 1990. اليوم ، تنقل MSC Israel 600000 حاوية مكافئة من البضائع سنويًا.

اتصل بفريقنا لطلب عرض أسعار أو حجز أو معرفة المزيد عن خدماتنا المحلية

معلومات المكاتب المحلية

SOLAS VGM information

Government approval status


What to include in your VGM instructions

The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions:

  • Container number

  • VGM + unit

  • Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers.

  • Responsible party is the ports authority.


How to submit your VGM instructions

  • Only port authorities will provide VGM for all full containers entering the port for export.


Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions

  • Not applicable in Israel.


Admin Fees and costs

  • Not applicable in Israel.


Recommendations & Guideline

  • None


Contact information

MSC Haifa +972 4 8549000

MSC Ashdod +972 8 8511200

List of terminals 

  • Ashdod (ILASH)
  • Haifa (ILHFA)


Warehousing facilities are essential to keep your supply chain moving with speed, efficiency and flexibility. Covering millions of square metres, MSC's vast global warehousing network means we can offer point-to-point transportation solutions for almost any type of cargo.
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آخر تحديث: 2025-02-28T02:45:00