Collegare il Kenya al mondo
MSC è un vettore leader in Kenya, che offre servizi da e per tutti i principali porti di scalo mondiali.
Dalla nostra sede centrale di Mombasa e dalla filiale di Nairobi, serviamo i nostri clienti in tutto il mondo.
Contatta il nostro team per richiedere un preventivo, prenotare o scoprire di più sui nostri servizi locali
Detention and demurrage
What is demurrage and detention?
Demurrage and detention is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, inside and outside the terminal.
Please refer to local demurrage tariff circulation and notices.
For any assistance in guarantee validation, kindly contact
Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.
What do I need to include in my VGM instructions?
You must include the following on all VGM instructions:
- Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number
- Container number
- VGM + weight measurement unit (Kgs.)
- Responsible Party Name
- Digital signature of the authorized signatory in all CAPITAL LETTERS.
How can I submit my VGM instructions?
- myMSC (Free of Charge).
Guidelines for submitting your VGM instructions
- MSC prefers to receive a Shipper-Verified Gross Mass (VGM) before cargo is delivered. This helps to avoid any unexpected weighing charges being levied against the cargo, which will be billed to the Shipper of Record.
- SOLAS VGM must be submitted latest 48 hrs prior to vessel ETA/ETB Mombasa (Cut off time indicated in our daily schedule dispatch).
MSC admin fees and costs
- Late VGM Submission Fee: 50 USD per container.
Prohibited cargo
Please refer to the Prohibited and Restricted Goods Under the Second and Third Schedule of the EAC Customs Management Act, 2004.
- Used vehicles over 8 years
- Raw/unprocessed nuts
- Elephant tusks (Ivory) and Rhino horns, games trophies
- False money and counterfeit currency notes and coins, and any money not being of the established standard in weight or fineness
- Pornographic materials in all kinds of media, indecent or obscene, printed paintings, books, cards, lithographs, or other engravings, and any other indecent or obscene articles
- Matches in the manufacture of which white phosphorous has been employed
- Any article made without proper authority with the Armorial Ensigns or Court of Arms of a Partner State or having such Ensigns or Arms so closely resembling them as to be calculated to deceive
- Distilled beverages containing essential oils or chemical products, which are injurious to health, including thijone, star arise, benzoic aldehyde, salicylic esters, hyssop and absinthe. Provided that nothing in this paragraph contained shall apply to anise and anisette liqueur containing not more than 0.1 per centum of oil of anise and distillates from either Pimpinella anisum or the star anise illicium verum
- Narcotic drugs under international control
- Hazardous wastes and their disposal as provided for under the base conventions
- All soaps and cosmetic products containing mercury
- Used tyres for light commercial vehicles and passenger cars
- Counterfeit goods of all kinds
- The following agricultural and industrial chemicals:
- Agricultural Chemicals 2.4 - T, Aldrin, Caplafol, Chlordimeform, Chlorobenzilate, DDT, Dieldrin, 1.2 - Dibromoethane (EDB), Fluoroacetamide, HCH, Hiplanchlor, Hoscachlorobenzene, Lindone, Mercury compounds, Monocrolophs (certain formulations), Methamidophos, Phospharrmion, Methyl - parathion and Parathion.
- Industrial Chemicals Crocidolite Polychlorinated biphenyls (PBB) Polyuchorinted Biphenyls (PCB) Polychlororinated Terphyenyls (PCT) Tris (2.3 dibromopropyl) phosphate Methyl Bromide (to be phased out in accordance with the Montreal Protocol by 2007).
List of terminals
Ports and terminals
MSC operates services to and from Mombasa Port, with local teams in location to support our customers.
- Kilindini Container Terminal - Code: KEMBA
Caricamento della merce
Le strutture di movimentazione merci di MSC sono posizionate strategicamente per garantire un carico efficiente e tempestivo delle merci ai fini dell'esportazione e dell'importazione. Forniamo anche servizi di consolidamento del carico, caricamento e ricaricamento, imballaggio, disimballaggio e caricamento incrociato dai container ai camion.
Pesatura del container (VGM)
Tutti gli uffici locali di MSC forniscono bilance certificate per registrare e verificare il peso del container (massa lorda verificata o VGM) in linea con le normative SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea). Le istruzioni VGM sono obbligatorie per tutte le spedizioni per motivi di sicurezza e gli operatori navali possono caricare un container solo se il suo peso è stato debitamente verificato. Contatta la squadra locale MSC per maggiori informazioni e supporto.
Le nostre soluzioni
Oltre a essere un leader globale nella spedizione di container, grazie ai nostri team mondiali di esperti specifici del settore possiamo offrire ai nostri clienti un servizio personalizzato 24 ore su 24, il che assicura tempi di transito rapidi e affidabili e la garanzia da parte nostra delle migliori soluzioni per le tue esigenze.
Oltre a essere un leader globale nella spedizione di container, grazie ai nostri team mondiali di esperti specifici del settore possiamo offrire ai nostri clienti un servizio personalizzato 24 ore su 24, il che assicura tempi di transito rapidi e affidabili e la garanzia da parte nostra delle migliori soluzioni per le tue esigenze.
Risultati non trovati
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2025-03-08T02:45:00