Connecting Indonesia to the world
MSC has been operating in Indonesia since 1996. Today MSC has around 180 staff dedicated to servicing the needs of our customers with six offices in the country – in Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Belawan, Panjang, and Palembang – which are located close to the main ports of Indonesia. To further extend our business coverage, we are also represented by sub-agents in Padang, Batam, Solo, Bandung, Makassar, and Bali.
MSC offers the widest port coverage in Indonesia with four independent feeder networks connecting Indonesia ports with transshipment hub ports in Singapore, Tanjung Pelepas, and Yantian, where shippers can then leverage on MSC’s comprehensive global network of services with addition two direct calls in Jakarta bound for Australia and New Zealand.
Find out more in the MSC In Indonesia Brochure.
Awards and Distinctions for MSC Indonesia
- 2011 Carrier of The Year by Ocean Booking Platform INTTRA.
- 2012 Carrier of The Year (runner up) by Ocean Booking Platform INTTRA.
- 2019 Best Volume Achievement at Tanjung Perak Surabaya by Indonesia's state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pelindo III).
- 2018 Best Mainline Operator Company at Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT) by Indonesia's state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Pelindo I).
- 2019 Top Revenue Contribution Shipping Line at Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT) by Indonesia's state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Pelindo I).
- 2020 Top Volume Contribution Shipping Line at Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT) by Indonesia's state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Pelindo I).
- 2020 Appreciation Award as a recognition for MSC’s effort to support full service to and from Surabaya port during the pandemic by Indonesia's state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pelindo III).
Kontaktieren Sie unser Team, um ein Angebot anzufordern, zu buchen oder mehr über unsere lokalen Dienstleistungen zu erfahren
SOLAS VGM Information Indonesia
Government Approval Status
- The Director General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transport, recently issued Regulation No. Hk.103/2/4/DTP2_16 on Verified Gross Mass of Container (VGM) carried by vessel (DG Regulation), which has been effective since 1 June 2016.
- The DG Regulation aims to implement the VGM requirements for container as required by the Amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
- In the event if there is a discrepancy between the weights of the container received before container arrived at the terminal facility at the port and the VGM acquired through the weighing facility in the port, then the VGM that is recognized is the one acquired from the terminal facility in the port.
- Container exceeding the maximum gross weight as stated by the Safety Approval Plate (CSC Safety Plate) will not be loaded into the vessel.
- Failure to comply with the DG Regulation is punishable by a sanction in a form of prohibition to load the container to the vessel by the port authority (syahbandar) which may impact the financing including postponement of loading or demurrage or return of container as stipulated by a contract between the parties.
What to include in your VGM instructions to MSC
- The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions
- Booking or BL number
- Container number
- VGM – Verified Gross Mass
- Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers)
- Responsible party Name (Shipper on B/L)
How to submit you VGM instructions?
- myMSC
- Via email-
- Subject Header of the Email, please indicate as <Submit VGM – Loading Vessel Name & Voyage – MSC assigned Booking Number>.
Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions
Admin Fees and Costs
Contact Information
Tax ID Regulation
As per customs regulation, TAX ID of the consignee need to be mentioned on the consignee's column. If the consignee is "To order of Bank"/ To order Bill, Tax ID of the notify party need to be mentioned. As per Jan 2021, TAX ID is a mandatory to be mentioned on the B/L and Manifest. Failed to provide may result the customs fine.
Is used for customs purposes
Is used for invoicing purposes
In pursuant to Indonesian Tax Regulation, an Income Tax Article 23 (Tax rate: 2%) is withheld and paid to Tax Office by Clients for certain services rendered by Vendor. As per January 2022 MSC Indonesia is implementing WHT Art. 23 reimbursement process using web-based application system that enables customers to upload their electronic Tax Slip without submit the documents via email.
Click here to access the platform.
- Submit reimbursement letter with supporting document such as Original Withholding tax slip (WHT Slip), copy of submission to tax office, and copy of tax return.
- MSCID Tax Dept then will perform validation process prior process the payment.
- Upon validation, MSC will process payment to Client by petty cash for any reimbursement up to IDR 100,000 (threshold) and by T/T for reimbursement above the threshold.
With respective to the implementation of e-bupot system by Indonesian Tax Office with effective starting from 1st September 2020, WHT Art. 23 Tax Slip would be generated in .pdf file with QR code is embedded in each and every Tax slip. Validation process then would be performed by scanning QR code on the platform.
Local Charges
Prohibited Cargo Indonesia
- Narcotics and drugs
- Pornographic materials
- Politically sensitive materials such printed papers, pictures
- Firearms, explosives, ammunition
- Guns, sport weapons/hunting guns
- There are also a number of restricted items or those that need special licenses. For more information, please click here.
- No items are completely prohibited. However, there are a number of restrictions in place. For more information, please click here.
MSC Thermal Blanket Flyer


Liquid Cargo

Wenn Sie Kleidung oder Textilien versenden, wissen Sie, dass Kleiderständer dazu beitragen, dass die Artikel in einem Top-Zustand bleiben und während des Transports nicht knittern. Diese speziell entworfenen Bügel können auch dazu beitragen, Verpackungen zu reduzieren. Bei MSC bieten wir einen effizienten und konkurrenzfähigen Service für die Aufstellung und Entfernung von Kleiderständern. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr zu erfahren.
Unsere Lösungen
Wir sind nicht nur ein global führendes Unternehmen im Containertransport, sondern können unseren Kunden dank unserer weltweiten Teams von branchenspezifischen Experten auch rund um die Uhr einen persönlichen Service bereitstellen. So können wir schnelle und zuverlässige Transitzeiten sicherstellen und die besten Lösungen für Ihre Bedürfnisse liefern.
Wir sind nicht nur ein global führendes Unternehmen im Containertransport, sondern können unseren Kunden dank unserer weltweiten Teams von branchenspezifischen Experten auch rund um die Uhr einen persönlichen Service bereitstellen. So können wir schnelle und zuverlässige Transitzeiten sicherstellen und die besten Lösungen für Ihre Bedürfnisse liefern.