

MSC GREECE S.A.は1994年に設立されました。 短期間のうちに、MSCギリシャはギリシャの基本的な港(ピレウス、テッサロニキ、ヴォロス、ヘラクリオン)で運航し、ギリシャの定期船業界において主要な地位を占めるようになったのです。

MSCギリシャは、アルバニアとコソボのMSC代理店の管理・統括も行っています。2016年以降、MSCギリシャは柔軟で顧客志向のインターモーダルバルカンネットワークを推進するバルカンロジスティックプラットフォーム(BLP)を開発しました。2018年4月より、MSC GREECE S.A.はAEOf(Authorized Economic Operator Full version)として認定されました。


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SOLAS VGM information for Greece

What to include in your VGM instructions
Booking or Bill of Lading number
Container number
VGM + measure unit
Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who is authorized to act on behalf of shippers)
Responsible party Name

How to submit your VGM instructions
- myMSC
- EDI (via INTTRA; GT NEXUS; Cargo Smart)
- Fax 
- E-mail
- Standard signed shipping instructions. 

Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions
24 hours prior vessels arrival AND prior entry at the terminal but not later than Thursday week, end of business.
Piraeus PCT terminal only:
Containers which have not been weighed before entry will be accepted and weighed by the terminal provided that they will enter the terminal 48 hours prior vessel’s arrival and the shipping instructions have been given by the shipper.
Admin Fees and costs
Any extra costs for obtaining or verifying the VGM will be on shippers account.  


Both PCT and PPA weigh all full containers at the time of entry, acting on behalf of the Shippers, irrespective of whether Shippers have obtained VGM of their own. A fee is charged by the Terminals per container The data acquired is dispatched via EDI to the Shipping Lines. 
In the event that the VGM obtained as per above requires for any reason verification all extra costs will be  for shippers account

The terminal is equipped with certified scale. Weighs and provides scale receipts only upon request by the Shippers.  Shippers remain responsible to provide to the Line the VGM to the Line. 

The Terminal has verified scales and may weigh containers at Shippers request. Shippers remain responsible to provide the VGM to the Line. 

Landlocked / Adjacent countries

Shipments from landlocked countries will have to follow the rules applying at the Port of Loading. 
Contact information

Government approval status
Authority in charge in Greece: Ministry of Mercantile Marine  (http://www.yen.gr) , Aegean and Island Policy / Safety of Navigation Directorate.






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最新更新日: 2025-02-28T21:44:00