MSC Belgium Launches Quayside Fumigation Service

MSC has launched a quayside fumigation service at MSC PSA European Terminal, Antwerp, following a successful pilot phase. MSC is the only company, carrier or otherwise, to offer fumigation at quay in Belgium. This unique service optimises the supply chain for customers, speeds up turnaround for fumigated cargo and increases intermodal transport options and flexibility.
Partnership with Descroes for fumigation
MSC has partnered with disinfection specialists Descroes, to ensure a first-class service. “Descroes supports our other portside fumigation services, so it was a natural fit to expand this successful partnership for our new quayside offering.” explains Jerri Smet, Intermodal Manager at MSC Belgium. “Quayside fumigation fulfils our customers’ needs for increased flexibility and accelerated turnaround times and unlocks access to intermodal services that would previously have been inaccessible.”
Intermodal network
Quayside fumigation allows MSC to capitalize on former investments made to its vast intermodal network, with the goal of delivering seamless, integrated supply chain solutions for countries shipping forestry products from northern Europe, such as Belgium, Austria, France and Germany.
“Containers can arrive by road, rail or barge and be fumigated on-quay, eliminating the need for additional haulage to and from an external fumigation zone, and increasing flexibility within the supply chain,” adds Marc Beerlandt, Managing Director at MSC Belgium.
Unique location at MPET
MPET’s unique location enables the expansion of fumigation services to the wood log industry and helps to simplify the supply chain.
“We are pleased to facilitate this value-added service and are looking forward to the growth of the fumigation zone. Thanks to the multi connections at the quay, we contribute to the efficiency of the global supply chain of wood logs” says Harold Kunst, CEO MPET.
Lars Koch, Commercial Manager at MPET adds “this new service is a good example of how we can co-create services with our customers. I’m looking forward to seeing the further developments of similar kinds of projects.”
Focus on wood logs
MSC has extensive experience shipping logs to the Far East and has catered its fumigation service to the specific needs of its wood customers worldwide. Dedicated in-house experts ensure a seamless, hassle-free service transporting forestry products to the Far East and beyond, which has become crucial for customers shipping wood and logs to Asia due to the spruce bark beetle infestation.
Customers exporting goods to Australia will also be able to benefit from fumigation services at either end of the journey, ensuring compliance with new Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BSMB) regulations in place between September 2021 and May 2022.
Combine with VGM weighing
To complement the new quayside fumigation service, MSC Belgium also offers quayside Verified Gross Mass (VGM) weighing, with specialised equipment directly adjacent to its fumigation facilities, for easy access and efficient turn-around post fumigation. In addition, VGM Data can be instantly submitted to MSC via cloud, to further simplify the customer experience.
For further information about MSC Belgium’s fumigation services, contact us.