
Connecting Nicaragua to the world

MSC has been helping customers ship cargo to and from Nicaragua since 2007, by offering 4 services.

견적을 요청하거나 예약하거나 지역 서비스에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 당사 팀에 문의하십시오

현지 사무소 정보

Detention, Demurrage and Storage charges in Nicaragua

What is detention?
Detention is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, for the use of the carrier’s full container inside the marine terminal, railroad facilities, container yard, or shipper´s facility. This charge can also apply while the container is undergoing customs inspections, or while the cargo inside the container is being reworked for safety reasons.   

What is demurrage?
Demurrage is the charge applicable, after the free time for import container expires. 
 In case of a demurrage dispute, email (email subject: Dispute + BL number + Invoice Number), describing the reasons for your dispute. 
What are storage charges?
A storage charge is applicable, after the free time expires, for containers left inside the container terminal or customs warehouse. Client pays for storages charges directly to the terminal.
Detention and demurrage: updated payment policy 
The following options are available for release of shipment: 

  • For immediate release, payment must be submitted via wire transfer or ACH. 
  • If the payment cannot be made by wire transfer or ACH, payment by check is acceptable. However, the shipment will be released ONLY after funds are received. 

Questions about detention and/or demurrage charges?

SOLAS VGM information for Nicaragua

VGM Receiving Policy in Nicaragua/or/ SOLAS VGM: a new regulation for a safer supply chain /or/ SOLAS VGM information for Nicaragua

What is VGM?
Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.
What do I need to include in my VGM instructions?
You must include the following on all VGM instructions: 

  • Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number
  • Container number
  • VGM + weight measurement unit (lbs. or kgs.)
  • Responsible party name Digital signature of the authorised signatory in all CAPITAL LETTERS.
How can I submit my VGM instructions?
  • myMSC (Free of charge)

Guidelines for submitting your VGM instructions

  • We encourage customers to submit their Verified Gross Mass (VGM) before cargo is delivered at port (48 hours before vessel arrival). This helps to avoid any unexpected weighing charges being levied against the cargo at the port of loading, which will be billed to the shipper of record.
  • Any shipper of record-signed VGM will override any VGM derived at or by the terminal.

MSC admin fees and costs 

  • Manual VGM Submission Fee: 25 USD per container.
  • Late VGM Submission Fee: 25 USD per container.
  • VGM Misdeclaration Fee: 300 USD per misdeclaration, per container.

Questions about VGM?

Prohibited Cargo

It is illegal to bring the following items into or out of Nicaragua:
  • Radioactive material and explosive.
  •  Used cars that have exceeded ten years since their manufacturing date.
  • Household goods must be consigned to a freight forwarder (FFW must provide legal representation certificate for customs clearance). In case of diplomatic cargo consigned to a FFW, copy of diplomatic ID and record of migration movement must be submitted to the customs authorities.
  • Specific restrictions for Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Customs reference CT/076/2019):
a. Food & agricultural products - (Central America Tarif System/SAC: HS Codes included in Chapter 12)
b. Soil and stones (including magnesite and magnesia) - (Central America Tarif System/SAC: HS Codes included in Chapter 25)
c. Timber - (Central America Tarif System/SAC: HS Codes included in Chapter 44)
d. Iron, steel, and metals - (Central America Tarif System/SAC: HS Codes from Chapter 72 to 83)
e. Machinery - (Central America Tarif System/SAC: HS Codes included in Chapter 84)
f. Electric equipment - (Central America Tarif System/SAC: HS Codes included in Chapter 85).
  • Media with immoral or seditious content, such as child pornography.
  • Drugs, narcotics, and some medication containing prohibited substances.
  • Items infringing trade and copyright regulations.

컨테이너 무게 측량 (VGM)

모든 MSC 지역 사무소는 SOLAS(국제해상인명안전협약) 규정에 따라 컨테이너 중량(검증된 총 중량 또는 VGM)을 기록하고 검증하기 위해 인증된 척도를 제공합니다. VGM 지침은 안전을 위해 모든 선적에 필수적이며 선박 운영자는 컨테이너의 중량이 적절하게 확인된 경우에만 적재할 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보 및 지원이 필요하면 현지 MSC 팀에 문의하세요.

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마지막 업데이트: 2025-01-27T08:57:00