
독일과 세계를 연결

MSC로서, 우리는 당신에게 가장 큰 유럽 경제 시장 중 하나 인 독일을 오가는 안정적이고 효율적인 운송 및 물류 서비스를 제공합니다. 당사의 광범위한 서비스에 대한 정보가 필요하거나 화물 예약 또는 출시에 관한 질문이 있는 경우, 독일을 오가는 화물의 원활한 운송을 위해 필요한 정보와 연락처를 여기에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

MSC 독일 - 주요 인물

독일의 3개 항구에서 통화

5개 터미널에서 처리
함부르크 - 유로게이트 CTH
함부르크 - HHLA 터미널 알텐베르더
브레머하븐 - MSC 게이트
브레머하븐 - NTB
빌헬름스헤이븐 - 유로게이트 CTW

독일 항구에서 17 개의 라이너 서비스와 2 개의 피더 서비스 호출

전 세계 13개 지역에 대한 직접 라이너 연결:
동남 유럽
스칸디나비아와 발트해
중앙 아메리카
카나리아 제도
인도 아대륙
호주 태평양

+ 말 그대로 모든 주요 포트에 대한 피더 연결

함부르크, 베를린, 브레멘, 뒤셀도르프, 프랑크푸르트, 뤼벡, 뮌헨, 뉘른베르크, 슈투트가르트의 MSC 사무소에서 약 650명의 직원이 근무하고 있습니다.




MSC 복합 독일 -

공급망 파트너: 연결 유지

MSC Germany 복합 솔루션은 맞춤형이며 고객의 요구에 정확하게 적응합니다. 우리는 언제든지 종단 간에화물을 관리 할 수 있습니다.


독일에서는 ...
· 5 개의 주요 항구 (함부르크, 브레머 하븐, 로테르담, 앤트워프, 트리 에스테)를 제공합니다.
· 북쪽 항구에 6 개의 전용 열차 연결 제공
· 서쪽 항구에 4 개의 전용 열차 연결 제공
· 트리에스테의 남쪽 항구에 3 개의 전용 열차 연결을 제공합니다
· 80개 이상의 상업용 바지선 및 열차 솔루션 제공

· 2개의 MEDREPAIR 창고(Bremerhaven & Hamburg) 및 32개의 제3자 창고 운영

· 브레멘과 함부르크에 50 명 이상의 현지 복합 및 물류 전문가가 있습니다.
· VGM과 같은 부가 가치 서비스 제공 및 파트너를 통한 수출입 통관 지원

MSC 독일에서 복합 서비스를 예약할 때의 장점:

· MSC 전용 국가 도로 및 기차 네트워크에 대한 액세스
· 픽업 및 하차 요금 포함
· 항공사의 운송 예약을 위한 장비 가용성 향상
· 우리의 고도로 숙련 된 팀에 의해 계획된 효율적인화물 운송

자세히 알아보기

예약 가능 여부 및 예약:
수입품: DE459-team.intermodalimport@msc.com
수출: 고객 서비스 전문가에게 문의하십시오.

우리의 운송 서비스에 대한 일반적인 문의는 우리의 복합 운송 팀에 문의하시기 바랍니다

DE459-teamintermodal.salesde@msc.com 하거나 +49 40 30295 1304로 전화하십시오.

견적을 요청하거나 예약하거나 지역 서비스에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 당사 팀에 문의하십시오.

현지 사무소 정보

Terminals in Germany


MSC calls at the three major seaports in Germany Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven with its container ships.

At in total five terminals all types of containers and goods, from toys from China in 20-foot containers to grape imports from South America in reefer containers, are handled efficiently.

In Bremerhaven, MSC operates its own MSC Gate together with EUROGATE to offer you optimal and flexible handling of your cargo.



EUROGATE Container Terminal Hamburg GmbH
Kurt-Eckelmann-Straße 1
21129 Hamburg
+49 40 7405 0
For more information click here


HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder GmbH
Am Ballinkai 1
21129 Hamburg
+49 40 53 309 0
For more information click here



MSC Gate Bremerhaven GmbH & Co. KG
Senator-Borttscheller-Straße 1
27568 Bremerhaven
+49 471 1425-02
For more information click here


North Sea Terminal Bremerhaven
Senator-Borttscheller-Straße 14
27568 Bremerhaven
+49 471 944 64 00
For more information click here



EUROGATE Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven GmbH & Co. KG
Ozean-Pier 1
26388 Wilhelmshaven
+49 4421 7744-0
For more information click here

SOLAS VGM information Germany

Regulatory approval status

As of 1 July 2016, the SOLAS VGM Directive requires the timely reporting of the Verified Gross Container Weight (VGM) to the carrier worldwide.

In Germany the regulating body, BG Verkehr, follows a strict procedure and allows a zero percent tolerance. The tolerance is defined by the weighing method, a scale weighing class III or weighing class IV is necessary, and therefore amounts to a variance of -/+ 2 percent.

The BG Verkehr performs random spot checks.

Fines may be placed in case of wrong VGM (verified gross mass) declaration.

If you wish to obtain the VGM by using Method 2, your company must be ISO or AEO certified. If your company does not have one of these certificates please refer to the documents on www.deutsche-flagge.de.

At this point, German ports will allow containers to gate-in without VGM.

What to include in your VGM instructions

• Booking or Bill of Lading number
• Container number
• Authorized person’s name
• Responsible party name
• Weighing date

How to submit your VGM

• myMSC
• EDI-Booking or Booking Update (IFTMBF)
• EDI-Shipping Instructions (IFTMIN)
• Other providers
• VERMAS message
• Customized xml, csv, idoc, txt files.

Deadlines for sending your VGM instructions

• The respective VGM submission EDI deadlines will be displayed on your individual booking confirmations with immediate effect.
• As an additional service and to inform you proactively of missing VGMs, MSC Germany will send a notification the day prior to the VGM cut-off, which gives enough time to provide MSC Germany with the VGM before cut-off.

Status change Fee due to difference in payload

A status change is triggered whenever information relevant for storage at terminal or stowage on vessel is changed after the container has been received at terminal, thus requiring manual change of planning and/or change of storage and stowage.

Since the implementation of the VGM regulation changes between declared payload at time of booking and declared VGM is creating a status change at the terminals, as it might require a change of storage at the terminal and a change in the stowage plan. The exact criteria that trigger a status change due to weight difference are:

balance between original weight and VGM is larger than1.000 kg and change into another weight class:


lower weight limit (kg) upper weight limit (kg)
 1              1  10.000
 2  10.001  15.000
 3  15.001   20.000
 4  20.001  25.000
 5  25.001  30.000
 6  30.001  99.999
Fees for a status change triggered by changes in vessel/voyage or POD are already charged.

Since 1st of June 2017 this status change fee is also charged for status changes triggered by changes in weight as listed above.


• VGM records should be stored three months after ships vessel arrival in POD.
• MSC Local agency should be informed in advance about the appointment of 3rd parties to provide the VGM.
• Weighing at terminals in Germany is not likely.

Questions about VGM?

Contact one of our local offices in Germany.


Booking Process in Germany

Booking processes in Germany

We would like to improve the speed and quality of our booking confirmations.
For this purpose, it is necessary that the following data is always entered during the transmission of your booking.
By submitting this data, you avoid queries in advance and the associated delays of booking confirmations.


 Data Details
 Routing  Port of loading and discharge

ETS or ETA (preferably the desired vessel)
 Carrier Haulage Pre- and on-carriage information

Pre-run included:

Full load address

Loading reference

Requested delivery time

Mode of transport (train, barge, truck)

Preliminary price offered
 Merchant Haulage  Desired depot

Mode of transport (train, barge, truck)

Date of pick-up
 Container Container type

Number of containers

Special equipment requirements
 Commodity Cargo description


In the case of dangerous goods, a copy of the DGD
 HS Code This must be specified when booking in order to ensure correct verification of the import regulations in the country of destination
 Customs Information if MSC is to take over the customs declaration

For Trieste shipments, abandon the Transit Customs Clearance (TCC) agents

Container numbers must be stated in the export accompanying documents (ABD)
 Payment Conditions Contract number

Place of payment

Named Account

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local office of MSC Germany.

Prohibited cargo in Germany


Cultural assets

Meat and milk and any items thereof from non-EU countries, with the exception of limited amounts from Andorra, Croatia, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and small amounts of specific products from other countries.

Protected species and products as listed by the CITES. For more information, please visit the CITES website here.
Though the above items are prohibited, most EU countries have heavy restrictions on a number of other items. For more information, see the link below.



The same items as imports when shipping to another EU country. No prohibited goods when shipping to a non-EU country.

For full details of prohibited and restricted cargo click here.



컨테이너 무게 측량 (VGM)

모든 MSC 지역 사무소는 SOLAS(국제해상인명안전협약) 규정에 따라 컨테이너 중량(검증된 총 중량 또는 VGM)을 기록하고 검증하기 위해 인증된 척도를 제공합니다. VGM 지침은 안전을 위해 모든 선적에 필수적이며 선박 운영자는 컨테이너의 중량이 적절하게 확인된 경우에만 적재할 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보 및 지원이 필요하면 현지 MSC 팀에 문의하세요.


Our team of in-house forestry experts enables us to provide dedicated cargo fumigation services for the seamless shipment of wood. As a specialist in log shipments, including a long track record of shipping wood to the Far East, we provide tailored support for all of our customers, including those with specific requirements due to the bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.
Contact Us

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마지막 업데이트: 2025-02-28T21:44:00