Connecting Belgium to the world
MSC BELGIUM NV is a maritime shipping agency founded and established in Antwerp, Belgium in 1999 as direct agents of the Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC) of Geneva, Switzerland, a privately owned shipping line.
With a streamlined management structure, MSC has become a leading customer focused and cost-effective global transportation solution for many shippers.
MSC BELGIUM NV facilitates the transportation of containerised cargo to and from all 5 Continents with weekly scheduled sailings from and arrivals to the Port of Antwerp. As well as traditional shipping agency services, MSC Belgium offers modern and innovative door-to-door, tri-modal services via truck, rail and barge through its intermodal partner.
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Free Night Opening Medrepair S11
The night opening of Medrepair S11 will be free of charge from 4 September until further notice to avoid daytime road congestion in and around Antwerp.
Our dedicated team is fully prepared to handle your cargo during the night, allowing you to avoid road congestion in and around Antwerp during the day.
To take advantage of free container pick-up and drop-off at night, simply follow the steps explained in this document.
Opening hours Medrepair S11:
- Continuous service from Monday 06:00 to Saturday 06:00
- Night openings between 22:00 - 06:00
For further assistance, please contact your local MSC representative or our dedicated operations experts:
Office Medrepair S11 +32 3 217 93 00
Supported by:
VGM Information
What is VGM?
- Verified Gross Mass or VGM refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified. VGM can be submitted on
Government approval status
- The government will check the procedures and will certify the methods used - Additional info
- The General Service for Shipping (DGS) will be responsible for enforcement and implementation of the VGM regulation within Belgium.
- More info
What do I need to include in my VGM instructions?
- The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions
- Booking or Bill of Lading number
- Container number
- VGM + unit
- Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers
- Responsible party Name
Deadlines for sending your vgm instruction
- VGM must be known to the ship-agent, at least 24hours before physical closing of the vessel. The VGM cut-off date will be mentioned on the booking confirmation.
- If the VGM is received later, the container will not be planned/loaded on the vessel.
Entrance at the terminal
- Containers arriving at the gate without VGM will be allowed at the terminal, however not loaded when VGM not provided in time. Please be aware that the terminal has no weighing facilities.
Admin fees and costs
- If the VGM has to be handled manually by the local agent, a local fee of 25€ per container will be applied. This also applies for VGM info added in the electronic booking.
- If the VGM is not received before VGM closing time, container will be put on hold and all related costs (like demurrage, storage, moves, plugging), will be for the account of the shipper.
Contact information
Customer service desk
Your local MSC contact
+32 3 543 22 00
Hazardous Cargo
Hazardous cargo must be declared to Port Authorities, latest, 24 hours before arrival of container on quay in Antwerp.
For Vessels' arrivals during Weekend, latest, at 12:00 (noontime) on Friday: always fulfilling 24 hrs before container's arrival on quay.
For this purpose DC (Dangerous Cargoes) Data must be available as per above-mentioned deadlines combined with guidelines of MSC Dangerous Cargo Dept.
Port restrictions
- Port restrictions related to specific DG classes or UN numbers can be found in the port restrictions of DMAXS.
Shipper is responsible for removing old labels on containers or attach proper ones according to hazardous contents, costs to correct those deficiencies in Antwerp include:
- 2 extra moves
- Labels/labour
- Photo
For a Lump sum of Euro 225,00/handling
Imo Declaration HKD (harbour master)by MSC BE : Eur 55,00 per container.
Harbour Declaration
- All hazardous containers with port of loading Antwerp must be in DMAXS with container number in status ACCEPTED or FINALISED prior to arrival at terminal (by truck, train or barge).
Agent | Booking/Sub ref | Container | Type | POL | Brossbk | Status |
MSC Agency X | 213B6543210 | MSC1234567 | DV/20 | Antwerp | False | Finalised |
MSC Agency X | 213B0123456 | MEDU1234567 | DV/20 | Antwerp | True | Accepted |
As per Municipal Council decision of 19 December 2016 under article 4.2.4 (1-5) of the MUNICIPAL PORT POLICE REGULATIONS all dangerous and/or contaminating goods (meaning hazardous cargo) have to be declared to the port authorities. The declaration must reach the Harbourmaster's Office no later than 24 hours before the scheduled handling time. Declaration has to be done electronically.
After a period of grace all violations will now be penalized by Harbormaster's office with a fine per container.
Since all violations will be penalized by Harbormaster's office, we will have to charge 250 EUR for every non-conformity with these instructions.
In Antwerp we retrieve all information from DMAXS. In order to submit the declaration we need the units with container number in status ACCEPTED or FINALISED in DMAXS.
Only when ACCEPTED or FINALISED with container number we have all crucial information available to successfully submit our declaration.
This all is only applicable when MSC Belgium has to perform declaration - instead of the forwarder/client.
In short: All hazardous containers must have container number in status ACCEPTED or FINALISED status in DMAXS
Charge 250 EUR for non-conformity
Only applicable if MSC Belgium performs declaration
Please note cut-offs can be found on our e-business platform or at
How to find cut-offs on MyMSC?
- Navigate in the menu on the left to Schedules & Cut-offs.
- Click on By Booking if you want to retrieve the information for a specific booking or click on By Port if you want to retrieve the information for a particular port pair.
Exchange Rate
Belgium Intermodal
Tariff Guidelines
Terminal Information
Antwerp (BEANR) – MSC PSA European Terminal, Europa Terminal, Noordzee Terminal, Antwerp Gateway
Zeebrugge (BEZEE) – CSP Zeebrugge Terminal
Quay 1718-1742
9130 Doel, Belgium
Main Tel: +32 3 260 61 11
NCTS Code: BE101000
Open: Every day – 24 hours a day (only waterlocked activities)
Gates truck in/out – Mon 0600h till Sat 0600h
Leopold II Laan, Kaai 120
8380 Brugge, Belgium
Main Tel: +32 50 50 25 00
Gate open: Monday - Friday 06.00hrs - 21.30hrs
Sint Antoniusweg z/n, Quay 1624
9130 Doel (Beveren), Belgium
Tel: +32 3 217 93 00
Muisbroeklaan 61, Kaai 524
2030 Antwerp
Tel: +32 470 192 902
Open: Monday – Friday from 06h00 to 20h00
Start Your Journey
Call: +32 35432200
Mediterranean Shipping Company Belgium N.V.
Noorderlaan 127a

MSC Reload
Did you know you can now request the reuse of a container with just a few clicks?
With our dedicated MSC Reload platform, you fill in the necessary information and we will take care of the rest.
Submitting your request was never easier.

Cargo Loading

Container Weighing (VGM)

Liquid Cargo

Our Solutions
As well as being a global leader in container shipping , our worldwide teams of industry specific experts mean we can offer our customers round-the-clock personalised service. This ensures we deliver fast and reliable transit times, and that we provide the best solutions for your needs.
As well as being a global leader in container shipping , our worldwide teams of industry specific experts mean we can offer our customers round-the-clock personalised service. This ensures we deliver fast and reliable transit times, and that we provide the best solutions for your needs.