MSC Speak up line

Do you Have a Concern you’d Like to Raise?

At MSC, developing authentic relationships built on ethics, respect and team spirit is a core part of how we do business. We care about our people and want to create an open and accountable culture where everyone feels safe and supported to speak up about concerns.

The MSC Speak-Up Line is our simple, secure and confidential tool that allows anonymous reporting of potential misconduct such as fraud, bribery and harassment and other unethical behaviour that doesn’t reflect the MSC Group Values. It is available to MSC employees, clients and partners. Reports can be made online or by phone.

All concerns raised to the MSC Speak-Up Line are treated confidentially and in many countries, you can report anonymously, unless you decide to disclose your identity. The MSC Speak-Up Line is operated by EQS Integrity Line, which is an independent global provider of a whistleblowing hotline.

MSC takes any type of misconduct very seriously. We are committed to dealing responsibly with any concerns about possible misconduct and ensuring there is no retaliation against anyone reporting a concern in good faith. Every concern is investigated thoroughly to make sure that we address issues and continue to build a more transparent working environment.

The MSC Speak-Up Line is available here: