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MSC Collaborates with a Range of Partners, Building Strong Relationships and Creating Alliances to Innovate, Find Solutions and Maximize our Collective Value

We work with private and public stakeholders, industry associations, fuel-specific partnerships, governments, non-governmental organisations and others to address our material topics and deliver our sustainability roadmap, in line with SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals. We are also collaborating with our customers through a range of initiatives to decarbonise supply chains, enable trade and build resilience, protect oceans and biodiversity and promote the business and human rights agenda, among other topics.


In addition to pooling complementary knowledge, technical expertise and resources as well as sharing risk, our partnerships help us prepare for and adapt to an evolving sustainability landscape and are an opportunity to align interests around a common vision.




Business Commission to Tackle Inequality
Clean Cargo

Cyprus Shipping Chamber

Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
European Sustainable Shipping Forum
Getting to Zero Coalition

Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD)
Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping
Hydrogen Council
International Chamber of Shipping

International Cargo Handling Coordination Association

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
Maritime Just Transition Task Force
Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
Mercy Ships

Methane Abatement in Maritime Innovation Initiative (MAMII)
Methanol Institute
North American Marine Environment Protection Association
Ocean 100 Dialogues
Ocean Stewardship Coalition
Responsible Shipping Dialogue


Silk Alliance

Smart Freight Centre
Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel
Sustainable Biomethane Alliance

Swiss Shipowners Association

The Conference Board: Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Council I

Together in Safety
Top Tier
TRACE International

United for Wildlife Transport Taskforce
United Nations Global Compact

World Business Council on Sustainable Development

World Economic Forum Supply Chain and Transportation Community
World Ocean Council
World Shipping Council