Conectando Albania con el mundo

MSC Albania estableció sus oficinas en Tirana en enero de 2008 siendo el agente exclusivo de Mediterranean Shipping Company en la región. Nuestro personal especializado proporciona una gama completa de servicios de transporte de contenedores, incluyendo el transporte interior y los trámites aduaneros de tránsito, cubriendo sus necesidades de importación y exportación a través del puerto de Durres.

Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo para solicitar un presupuesto, reservar o saber más sobre nuestros servicios locales


SOLAS VGM Information

Government approval status

  • Authority in charge in Albania: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Sea Transport Directory

  • The legislation concerning the implementation of SOLAS regulations has yet to be signed and published by the Government.

  • For more information visit the Ministry website here


What to include in your VGM instructions

The following items are mandatory and must be on all VGM instructions

  • Booking or Bill of Lading number

  • Container number

  • VGM + measure unit

  • Authorized person’s signatory (submitter of the VGM who may be authorized to act on behalf of shippers

  • Responsible party Name

NOTE: The Government may decide to request additional information apart of the above.


How to submit your VGM instructions


  • EDI (via INTTRA; GT NEXUS; Cargo Smart)

  • Fax, emails

  • Standard shipping instructions signed



  • Durres Container Terminal may accept containers to enter the Terminal without submitting the VGM at the time of entry, but will not load same unless the VGM has been transmitted to them. The responsibility for all consequences and commercial losses will be for shippers account.

  • The Terminal does not have a weighing facility operated by its own. Therefore all export containers must have obtain the VGM prior arrival.

  • For landlocked countries.

  • Shipments from landlocked countries will have to follow the rules applying at the Port of Loading.


Contact information

Contact us here.

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Última actualización: 2025-02-28T21:44:00