
Conectando Zimbabue con el mundo

Con oficinas en Harare y Bulawayo y una red global sin parangón, ayudamos a conectar las empresas de Zimbabue con el mundo. Sea lo que sea que necesite enviar, tenemos la experiencia local y global necesaria para hacerlo llegar a su destino a tiempo en cualquier parte del mundo. Desde nuestro depósito de contenedores en la zona industrial de Harare, nuestra red de carreteras y ferrocarriles le conecta a través de los puertos de Beira en Mozambique y Durban en Sudáfrica. Desde aquí, el resto del mundo está a un paso. MSC Zimbabue se creó en 1981.

Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo para solicitar un presupuesto, reservar o saber más sobre nuestros servicios locales


Detention, demurrage and storage charges

Demurrage and storage charges

What is demurrage?   Demurrage is the charge applicable, after the free time expires, inside the terminal, port and or at the bonded warehouse for the use of MSC equipment.

Please contact MSC Zimbabwe for current demurrage tariffs:  email: zwe-marketing@msc.com

What is storage?

A storage charge is applicable, after the free time expires, for containers left inside the rail ramp / container yard (for the use of the land). Demurrage and storage charges must be paid by bank transfer.

MSC Zimbabwe does not handle cash.

SOLAS VGM information for Zimbabwe

What is VGM?
Verified gross mass (or VGM) refers to the exact, verified weight of a packed container. For safety reasons, vessel operators can only load a container if its weight has been verified.
In line with Safety of Lives at Sea (SOLAS) regulations, all marine terminals are now allowed to use their certified scales to record shipment VGM in case of any doubt regarding customer submissions. 
What to include in VGM instructions
You must include the following on all VGM instructions: 

  • Booking or Bill of Lading (BL) number 
  • Container number 
  • VGM and weight measurement unit (lbs or kgs) 
  • Name of responsible party 
  • Digital signature of the authorised signatory in CAPITAL LETTERS.

How to submit VGM instructions

Guidelines for submitting your VGM instructions

  • MSC prefers to receive a Shipper-Verified Gross Mass (VGM) 24 HOURS before vessel arrival in port Beira or Durban. This helps to avoid any unexpected weighing charges being levied against Zimbabwean cargo by both Ports of Loading, which will be billed to the Shipper of Record. This also helps to avoid cargo being declined at load port.
  • Currently all cargoes loading from both ports of loading servicing Zimbabwe abide by the SOLAS policy. 
  • All rail shipments must have the VGM submitted within 24 hours of the container gating in at the origin rail ramp, to avoid any extra fees levied by the terminal for weighing services. 

Prohibited cargo

Restricted and Prohibited Goods into ZIMBABWE.


  • Secondhand clothing  
  • Vehicles with over 10years of manufacture date
  • Left hand vehicles
  • For more details on prohibited and restricted goods please view this link


  • Narcotics and some medication containing prohibited substances 
  • Hunting trophies
  • Here is a link with details of import and export requirements 

List of terminals 

Ports and main destinations
MSC ZIMBABWE is serviced by two major Ports.


 Ports Mutare /Distance-KM Harare/Distance Bulawayo/Distance 
 Beira 298  560  860
 Durban 1655  1680  1420

Pesaje de contenedores (VGM)

Todas las oficinas locales del MSC disponen de básculas certificadas para registrar y verificar el peso de los contenedores (masa bruta verificada o VGM) de acuerdo con la normativa de Seguridad de la Vida Humana en el Mar (SOLAS). Las instrucciones VGM son obligatorias para todos los envíos por razones de seguridad. Los operadores de los buques solo pueden cargar contenedores para los que se haya verificado su peso. Póngase en contacto con su equipo local de MSC para obtener más información y asistencia.

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Última actualización: 01/03/2025