How MSC is committed to Africa’s social inclusive development


How MSC is committed to Africa’s social inclusive development


The situation 

MSC’s belief that sustained economic growth can be achieved through a holistic approach promoting social progress, human dignity and pro-poor business models is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

All our strategies aim to realize productivity in the long term, while at the same time also providing a long-term positive impact on the local communities where we operate. This includes our efforts to incorporate poverty reduction considerations and non-economic dimensions in our business plans. 

Our Strategy 

MSC continues to support a holistic and long-term social inclusive approach in Africa. Since the launch of our first route between the Mediterranean and East Africa in 1971, we have invested extensively in local recruitment, transport services and infrastructure to bring inclusive economic and social development and global trade opportunities to local players. 

Today, our local MSC agencies serve 40 African countries, helping to enhance their role and potential in the global economy. Our liner services, calling at 60 ports every week and at port terminals in Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Morocco, ensure connections between Africa and the rest of the world. We also invest and manage state-of-the-art terminals, which, working in collaboration with our logistics teams, can take any cargo to any location. 

Our Impact 

The benefits of a free and efficient flow of goods and trade extend far beyond the ships and ports themselves. An effective interface between them can improve the lives of people everywhere, especially in the context of sustainable development. Our overall market share, currently at around 21%, continues to grow significantly year on year, showing our full support for the development of the continent’s future. 

MSC is enhancing its network of storage facilities, further increasing its offer of an integrated network of inland and cross-border transportation solutions and support cold chain development throughout the continent, in line with its commitment to the promotion of the SDGs. 

Our investments continue on terminals and related infrastructure, as well as on developing a sustainable and integrated transport network, including in landlocked countries. This further facilitates the transport of goods and services across and between African countries, including between urban and rural/ remote areas, as well as from the African continent to the global market. 

To find out more, see pages 24-27 in the MSC 2016 Sustainability Report and pages 20-23 in the MSC 2017 Sustainability Report